Zynergy Retirement Planning is proud to offer two $2,500 and one $750 scholarship: our Community Scholarship, open to all current undergraduate or graduate students in Monmouth County, our Family Scholarship, open to all Zynergy family members and our Memorial Scholarship, open to all current undergraduate or graduate students in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut. Congratulations to our 2023 Scholarship Winners: Kira Newbert (Community Scholarship), Marlee Neugass (Family Scholarship), and Sydney Shapiro (Jeremy Zernitsky Memorial Scholarship). Learn more and apply for our Scholarships here:
Our mission is to improve our communities through philanthropy and service
Zynergy Cares is the charitable arm of Zynergy Retirement Planning. It enables us to give back to the communities we serve while also offering our membership the opportunity to do some purposeful work during their retirement.We annually donate 2% of our total revenue and hundreds of hours each year in service to our community.